
雷伟  博士



      2010年毕业于东北农业大学组织胚胎学专业,获得博士学位;2011年赴美国范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)做博士后研究,研究领域为胚胎早期发育和着床;2015年3月加盟苏州大学心血管病研究所,入选2016年度苏州市高等院校、科研院所紧缺高层次人才引进资助计划;研究方向为干细胞治疗心血管疾病过程中的非编码RNA调控机制,研究成果发表于Circulation Research、Theranostics、Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology、Stem Cell Research & Therapy、Journal of Biological Chemistry和Endocrinology等杂志,申请国家发明专利3项。


[研究论文,# 共同第一作者,*共同通讯作者]

Hao K#, Lei W#, Wu H, Wu J, Yang Z, Yan S, Lu XA, Li J, Xia X, Han X, Deng W, Zhong G, Zhao ZA, Hu S*. LncRNA-Safe contributes to cardiac fibrosis through Safe-Sfrp2-HuR complex in mouse myocardial infarction. Theranostics. 2019; 9(24):7282-7297.

Fang X#, Miao S#, Yu Y, Ding F, Han X, Wu H, Zhao ZA, Wang Y, Hu S*, Lei W*. MIR148A family regulates cardiomyocyte differentiation of human embryonic stem cells by inhibiting the DLL1-mediated NOTCH signaling pathway. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2019; 134:1-12.

Yu Y#, Qin N#, Lu XA#, Li J, Han X, Ni X, Ye L, Shen Z, Chen W, Zhao ZA*, Lei W*, Hu S*. Human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte therapy in mouse permanent ischemia and ischemia-reperfusion models. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2019; 10(1):167.

Zhao ZA#, Han X#, Lei W#, Li J#, Yang Z, Wu J, Yao M, Lu XA, He L, Chen Y, Zhou B, Hu S*. Lack of Cardiac Improvement after Cardiosphere-derived Cell Transplantation in Ageing Mouse Hearts. Circ Res. 2018; 123(10):e21-e31.

Wu H#, Zhao ZA#, Liu J#, Hao K#, Yu Y, Han X, Li J, Wang Y, Lei W, Dong N*, Shen Z*, Hu S*. Long noncoding RNA Meg3 regulates cardiomyocyte apoptosis in myocardial infarction. Gene Ther. 2018; 25(8):511-523.

Ye L#, Ni X#, Zhao ZA, Lei W, Hu S*. The application of induced pluripotent stem cells in cardiac disease modeling and drug testing. J Cardiovasc Transl Res. 2018;11(5):366-374.

Lei W#, Feng T#, Fang X, Yu Y, Yang J, Zhao ZA, Liu J, Shen Z*, Deng W*, Hu S*.Signature of circular RNAs in human induced pluripotent stem cells and derived cardiomyocytes. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018;9(1):56.

Yu Y#, Lei W#, Yang J#, Wei YC, Zhao ZL, Zhao ZA*, Hu S*. Functional mutant GATA4 identification and potential application in preimplantation diagnosis of congenital heart diseases. Gene. 2018; 641:349-354.

Chen Y, Zhao Y, Chen W, Xie L, Zhao ZA, Yang J, Chen Y, Lei W*, Shen Z*. MicroRNA-133 overexpression promotes the therapeutic efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells on acute myocardial infarction. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2017 25;8(1):268.

Zhang Y#, Lei W#,Yan W, Li X, Wang X, Zhao Z, Hui J, Shen Z, Yang J. microRNA-206 is involved in survival of hypoxia preconditioned mesenchymal stem cells through targeting Pim-1 kinase. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2016;7(1):61.

Lei W, Ni H, Herington J, Reese J, Paria BC. Alkaline Phosphatase Protects Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Early Pregnancy Defects in Mice. PLoS One. 2015; 10(4):e0123243.

Lei W#, Herington J#, Galindo CL, Ding TB, Brown N, Reese J, Paria BC. Cross-species transcriptomic approach reveals genes relating to hamster implantation sites. Reproduction. 2014;148(6):607-21.

Lei W, Nguyen H, Brown N, Ni H, Kiffer-Moreira T, Reese J, Millan JL, Paria BC. Alkaline phosphatases contribute to uterine receptivity, implantation, decidualization and defense against bacterial endotoxin in hamsters. Reproduction. 2013; 146(5):419-32.

Lei W, Feng XH, Deng WB, Ni H, Zhang ZR, Jia B, Yang XL, Wang TS, Liu JL, Su RW, Liang XH, Qi QR, Yang ZM. Progesterone and DNA damage encourage uterine cell proliferation and decidualization through up-regulating ribonucleotide reductase 2 expression during early pregnancy in mice. J Biol Chem. 2012; 287(19):15174-92.

Su RW#, Lei W#, Liu JL, Zhang ZR, Jia B, Feng XH, Gang Ren, Hu SJ and Yang ZM. The integrative analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression in mouse uterus under delayed implantation and activation. PLoS One. 2010; 5(11):e15513.

Zuo RJ, Zhao YC, Lei W, Wang TS, Wang BC, Yang ZM. Crystallin αB acts as a molecular guard in mouse decidualization: Regulation and function during early pregnancy. FEBS Lett. 2014; 588(17):2944-51.

Liang X, Zhang XH, Han BC, Lei W, Qi QR, Wang TS, Gu XW, Yang ZM. Progesterone and heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor regulate the expression of tight junction protein Claudin-3 during early pregnancy. Fertil Steril. 2013; 100(5):1410-8.

Zhang XH, Tian Z, Lei W, Zhao ZA, Wang TS, Yang ZM. Differential expression of interleukin 1 receptor type II during mouse decidualization. Reprod Sci. 2012; 19(9):923-31.

Su RW, Jia B, Ni H, Lei W, Yue SL, Feng XH, Deng WB, Liu JL, Zhao ZA, Wang TS, Yang ZM. Junctional adhesion molecule 2 mediates the interaction between hatched blastocyst and luminal epithelium: induction by progesterone and LIF. PLoS One. 2012; 7(4):e34325.

Liu JL, Liang XH, Su RW, Lei W, Jia B, Feng XH, Li ZX, Yang ZM. Combined analysis of microRNome and 3'-UTRome reveals a species-specific regulation of progesterone receptor expression in the endometrium of rhesus monkey. J Biol Chem. 2012; 287(17):13899-910.

Sha AG, Liu JL, Jiang XM, Ren JZ, Ma CH, Lei W, Su RW, Yang ZM. Genome-wide identification of micro-ribonucleic acids associated with human endometrial receptivity in natural and stimulated cycles by deep sequencing. Fertil Steril. 2011; 96(1):150-155.e5.

Liang XH, Zhao ZA, Deng WB, Lei W, Xu X, Zhang XH, Su RW, and Yang ZM. Estrogen regulates amiloride-binding protein 1 through CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-beta in mouse uterus during embryo implantation and decidualization. Endocrinology. 2010; 151(10):5007-16.

Ni H, Yu XJ, Liu HJ, Lei W, Rengaraj D, Li XJ and Yang ZM. Progesterone regulation of glutathione S-transferase Mu2 expression in mouse uterine luminal epithelium during preimplantation period. Fertil Steril. 2009; 91(5):S2123-30.

Diao HL, Su RW, Tan HN, Li SJ, Lei W, Deng WB and Yang ZM. Effects of androgen on embryo implantation in the mouse delayed-implantation model. Fertil Steril. 2008; 90(4:S1376-83.

Hu SJ, Ren G, Liu JL, Zhao ZA, Yu YS, Su RW, Ma XH, Ni H, Lei W and Yang ZM. MicroRNA expression and regulation in mouse uterus during embryo implantation. J Biol Chem. 2008; 283(34):23473-84.

Gao F, Lei W, Diao HL, Hu SJ, Luan LM and Yang ZM. Differential expression and regulation of prostaglandin transporter and metabolic enzymes in mouse uterus during blastocyst implantation. Fertil Steril. 2007; 88(4):S1256-65.

雷伟, 杨增明. 胚胎着床的分子调控网络. 生理科学进展. 2010; 41(6):417-22.

2020 - 2023      国家自然科学基金面上项目2017 - 2019      国家自然科学基金青年基金2015 - 2018      江苏省自然科学基金青年基金2015 - 2017      江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目2015 - 2018      苏州市科技计划应用基础研究项目 2015 - 2019      苏州大学人才引进启动项目基金